I waked up Sunday around 10pm because my stomach was killing me including a headache with low-pressure-blood. They are the sign of being hangover with empty stomach. I should go and eat something and mean while I memorized Shari always said “when you have hangover that means you had fun last night, that’s right ha ha, you tell me“ ya! He always ended up with two ha! Damn of being hungry, I opened fridge; nothing was look good to eat. I picked a packet of milk and a banana. Milke for refreshing! And banana has a lot of cellulose! I felt worse after eating, milk was swelling and cellulose fiber was needling my stomach. I went back to the bed and tried to sleep again, which I needed most. My eyes were becoming warm slowly then my mobile phone started ringing so loud and I received SMS. Oh my God, it’s Molud, we had a plan to go BBQ at noon and they would be here in 30 minutes. I jumped to the shaver and tried to wash all smell out of me. In the mirror my eye were completely red and swelling even more than my stomach. I drop some eye-droplet, dried my hair, wearied some camping cloth and some cool-water-cologne to feel fresh and directly went downstairs. I still had two minutes left so I walked to Seven-Eleven (Store) to buy some coffee. People said helps as they said milk and banana help. When I came out of the store I saw my friends waiting for me inside the car. I wearied my sunglasses and tried to be look good and said energetic-hello to them -Molud and Pejman are really good for organizing party. They have every thing you need to prepare nice indoor or outdoor party- After 45 min driving and a lot’s of talking, we arrived to the pick nick area -a public beautiful park outside the city- and directly started to setup fire. The day went fast and after four hours eating and talking and picturing each other we were in our car on our way to home and no more energy even for chitchat. I felt so sleepy but I should of go to buy some groceries for next week and this was my last chance. I requested them to put me front of Diea (Department Store) near my place and after goodbye went to shop. I bought a lot of fruit as usual because since I’m working out (some how not seriously) I tried to replace usual snakes with fruits. In front of pomegranates shell I stayed a little bit and look at them seems tasty and was expensive in Japan (500 Yen each). I calculated in my mind that should I buy it or go to coffee shop for nice coffee and cheesecake. Ok! Finally I decided to go with pomegranates. One hour later I shopped what ever I wanted and on my way to home that I ended up to Chocolate (Italian Coffee Shop) –I couldn’t help it to not go- and called Ali as my coffee buddy. He is always on for some coffee especially in unusual daytime (midnight, before lunch, …). During coffee time we were talking about Japanese society, last nightclub and who pick up whom, and after three hours ended up with, life is short and nobody knows the philosophy of existence (just joking). It was time to go home and cook dinner and I called Mehdi Jangi. Sunday was kind of our day, we knew each other since 7 years old in primary school and we were close friend sine 13 years old from high school. He told me he would be in my apartment for dinner in two hours. I was middle of cooking he arrived and started cursing his professor and how stupid he is. Sometimes I got really angry from his boss because it is not fair. His boss (Prof.) is most racist person I ever know. Anyway, you don’t want to know about him! During dinner we watched a movie named “The Kite Runner”. I expected to be better movie based on the book but was not so much. Still, I liked a lot of parts especially when I saw some facts from a neighbor-country and I didn’t have any idea how people lived there. The only things I knew about Afghani were: they were really hard worker and honest people with same language. I felt bad about myself a little bit. We used to have some workers in our farm and I never realize their situation. We paid the half of normal worker and expected them twice as other countries do with foreigner worker even now -You don’t need go so far, all researcher from under-developing-countries in modern countries are called scientific slave, they used them for their knowledge and when everything’s are done asked them to leave because they don’t have any more opportunity for continuing their research- Anyway, movie is finished and after Mehdi left, I went to bed around 2am. As soon as I was enjoying my sleep, my alarm started ringing. Oh God! It was a time to go Laboratory and we ha d a Presentation in the morning. I dressed up a little and I didn’t feel take shower at all and I wearied some cologne to feel fresh but this time wasn’t worked anymore and then I was running to the bus station because bus would be there in two minutes and I was already late.
Everything You Need to Know About Monopoly
12 hours ago
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