To be polite in different countries or even in different area of a country comes with various rules. I don’t know how and when these rules are established but pretty much clear most people prefer just follow the routine rules and not to be in front of society eyes -as person who ignore the rules and don’t respect them-. Some times I think when is beauty and being good have same meaning in most culture then how being polite is different? I can come up with some example: spit in street in most country is really impolite but in few countries are normal as well as making noise during eating, calling people with first name, leaving room without saying goodbye, shacking hand or saying hello, kissing in first met, eating as guest without asking, looking to people’s eyes when you talking and opposite, jump in middle of conversation, start making conversation with stranger, seating next to people in bus when other seats are available and many others.
Imagine you have international life and you are traveling from one place to another so how much pressure you will get under each society. Always you should wait first to see what other people are doing and then just follow their steps and most difficult part is when they do something that completely is out side of your social life style or believes. And even worse that you should follow them as well, oh God! It likes hell and most the time even you explain for them, this is not a thing that I can do, but they want you to do it anyway.
For being polite to respect people in different culture means destroy your own believe and be unshaped person look like water -which it gets always the shape of jar-. So do you think after that life becomes easier for you or not? Then new question come up “who are you?” Because every body is recognized by his/her shape and if you loose it, there is nothing left to show your structure and personality.
I think the future life style will push people to the direction of being unshaped to make free land for everybody and who know what will come up from deep inside of human being, look like the new strange effects of freedom in the present situation of modern countries; such as the confusion of sex, gender, culture, sentiment, family and a lot of other problems that create many psychology fields in present life style because people start getting far from a person who suppose to be.
salam . agar matalebo be farsi benevisid mamnon misham movafgh bashid khatere .
To Khatere: .. Hatman! say mikonam yeki darmion farsish konam ...
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