I said: sorry I was freshing up a little bit, I didn’t know somebody actually live here
Man said: you didn’t think somebody actually live here, and then who putted water inside this basin. Do you think this basin is overflowed every day by rain?
I said: sorry, how can I cover it?
Man was though a little bit and said: pick that ceramic jug with green ribbon around the neck and go back there is a public washing tap next to the main road, fill this jug up and come back. As you should know I don’t want it half empty.
I picked the jug and walked back to the road, even the empty jug was so heavy how possibly I could carry it back there with water inside. I was walking fast whole way to down. I found water and filled up as he said but I couldn’t even move it a little bit “oh God what should I do now”. I started to picked up for one meter and putted back. In other hand I should be careful about the water inside the jug because by each step a little bit of water was jumped out. There was a best time for me to estimate the arrival time at least I could use some helps from being engineer. Imagine 10 meter per minute including the resting part and it was about 2 kilometer claiming and takes around three hours “oh seriously I will die after that”. So I decided to do something else. I remove half of water and started going up much faster and I was estimated if I do it this way it will be much easier to go twice. After 30 min I was in the masque and Darvish was waiting for me and before he saw the jug I told him the truth and my plan. He smiled and told me: You don’t need to do it; I just wanted you to know that we always should respect the things around us even the things that the nature gave them to us by free. We talked 2 hours and he told some stories about being Darvish and the benefit and difficulty of it. When I left him it’s was around the sunset and good time for walking back home. On my way to go back near the wall of garden I looked inside again and nobodies were there, probably those young people already had done earlier. I arrived near the main road and went to the water tap again to wash my hand and face. I saw the green ribbon, it was laying down there. Probably when I was putting water, it was untied or something. I didn’t know what should I do, should I go back there or take it to him in other time?
Written by Mohammad Hosseini
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