After a week reading I almost finished half of book named “The Invention of Solitude”. This book has two main chapters “Portrait of an Invisible Man” and “The Book of Memory”. I finished first chapter and even writing was perfect, but I didn’t feel good about reading it. I don’t know why I was feeling sadness and a little stressful. I usually don’t like this kind of black tragedy that tries to catch whole negative points of somebody’s life. Some pages were too sad and miserable. The basic reason, I choose this book in first place, was a person that I know him for while, but not completely. He recommend it and he told that he almost read two books every weeks and how difficult is to find a book with good expression and deep meaning of inside life. So I though probably he knows what he is saying and bought the book and now I can see its effections some how and it has good expression but not in a good way. It makes you feel bad all the time when you open it, I don’t know why but it dose. I think it because the type of information I get from this book. Now I’m writing this note, I remember first time I read a story about “Icarus”, the son of “Daedalus” one of famous character in Greek
mythology. I’m sure most of you heard his story. How his father made the wings with feather and wax to escape from prison of “King Minos”. And even his father told him that he shouldn’t fly close to the sun because he will loose his wings but he did it anyway and he lost them. If we imagine the sun is knowledge and Icarus can be us, sometimes is better to not knowing every thing because we will end up loosing our wings, which those wings should help us to fly to freedom and keep us safe. To make it clear I can tell you a real story about a person I almost know. He is medical doctor, but he has big problem about his own sickness. Every time he sees some sign of illness in his body, he start reading about it to come up with basic reason and then he dose self-medicine himself because he doesn’t believe to anybody else. And then he researches about the side effects of those medicines and at the end he always become really seek and all those side effects appears in his body. I think he is so protective that makes him to suffer from his own protection. I’m sure if he didn’t know that much then he never had this kind of health problem either. Same feel comes up to me, I always liked to dig deep inside of life to see what is there and now after many years try to do it. I find out, it is not good idea at all and seeing some facts, makes you feel sick physically and emotionally. It always is better to be in middle and know as much as help you with basic thing. Human being is really complicated than even we can imagine. So it is better sometime leave thing behind and not go so far to keep flying with the wings. This book almost did same, it opens a eye on some fact of life that I was not ready to know them and I though is better stop continue to read it but it doesn’t work that way, and now is more difficult to stop it. I feel like I’m “Jared Grace” in “Spiderwick Chronicle” and I opened the book and now I can see things which I shouldn’t but I’m in middle of story and it is not go away if I close the book I should follow chapters to see how I can end it safely.

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