I’m usually watching movies more than reading books. It is not because I like to watch rather than read, it is because reading books take much more time. I always have few books in line for reading in the corner of my small library but every time I start a new book, it takes at least few weeks to finish it. Interesting part is, most books that I road before has good influence on me. This made me to be picky about books and try to make best of it even I read few. Last night I was thinking about effects of all books and movies and when I looked back, I saw really good time that I had with them. So I decided to make a list of those movies and books that had most influence on me. Here we can see the list of films with some words that describe my basic reasons, why did I like them? I hope in future I can write same things about books.
1939 Gone with the Wind:
It doesn’t matter who we are and how much we have. Life will always surprise us in mystery ways.
1941 Citizen Cane:
At the end only things are matters in our life, the moments were lived as real as they were.
1942 Casablanca:
Love has no boundaries and time is never right
1957 The Bridge on the River Kwai:
We are who we are, every things can effects us but deep down nothings can change us.
1958 Cat on Hot Tin Roof:
We live once and our pain reminds us the living. Some people are brave enough to face the truth.
1958 Idiot:
There is different between being good and helpful and being weak and idiot but most people don’t know it.
1972 Ultimo tango a Parigi (Last Tango in Paris):
Sometime humanity get lost and there will be always challenging for young generations to find their boundaries of life for those moments.
1973 Papillon:
We are living as far as our hope still alive.
1980 The Shining:
There are many parts of life that we never get in touch with them, which those parts can change us from a hero to monster or other way around.
1981 Lion of the Desert:
It’s never be easy to go through with our believes and sometime is worth to even die for it.
1983 Scarface:
Even the far dreams are become true if we really want them but everything has its own price.
1987 Khane-ye doust kodjast? (Where is the friend’s home?)
The things are important as much as we believe them.
1988 Cinema Paradiso:
Big people make the life memorable and give meaning to many other people’s life
1990 The Godfather III:
You will be punished through the way that you hidden your weakness
1991 Double vie de Véronique, La (The Double Life of Veronique):
People always are searching to cover their lacks of humanity and this fact sometime scare them, sometimes make their life meaningful, sometimes desperate them and sometime is just peaceful or pain.
1991 Madar (Mother):
My pains are same as yours therefore lets feel each other better and put other thing behind.
1991 The Silence of the Lambs:
Nothing is more dangerous than knowledge without wisdom.
1992 Damage:
You can’t come to people’s life and not be a part of it. Sometime a little moment ends up big risk.
1992 Reservoir Dogs:
There is big gap between having problem and breathing to dead. It will be always selecting between bad and worst.
1992 Scent of a Woman:
Life is much bigger and complicate than the things we are seeing daily and we will never know it if we don’t learn how to see.
1993 Honarpisheh (Actor):
Sometime is better to not mention those facts that only exist in unreality. There is a long way from reality to needs.
1993 The house of spirits:
It is so sad when you find out those things that you are searching whole your life, were just one step away from you all the time.
1993 The Piano:
Few people are born in right place and right time, rest of them are just lost.
1994 Pulp Fiction:
You can live in deep or in surface of humanity and the regret will be with you if you don’t do the things that feel is right.
1995 Pari:
There will be always these questions; who we are and where we are heading?
1995 Seven:
There is no pure truth or pure evil. There are only imaginations.
1996 The English Patient:
Life is shorter than we expect and never put things in your mind for telling them in future. Share your heart as soon as you find a light of love.
1996 The Stealing Beauty:
Every little things in our life is gold, it is better to spend them slowly and carefully because that happens once.
1997 Ajans-E Shisheh-I (The Glass Aganecy):
Depend how hard you try how deep you can understand, every creation has strong meaning for its creator …
1997 Lolita:
Being mature and grown up is big responsibility, there will be a time that we should put strong border between emotional and rational decisions.
1997 The Brave:
Desperate man lives desperate life and it has nothing to do with what we have and what we want.
1998 The Horse Whisperer:
Take care of your surrounded nature; nature will answer you back …
1999 Baanoo:
Being lonely is rubbing in your soul and as soon as you see it you will never feel alone again.
1999 Instinct:
Love is true instinct and it has no boundaries, limitation or individuality…
1999 Rang-e Khoda (The Color of God):
When you start reading the nature then you will find the God
2000 Malèna:
People only see you as they want to see, not the way you are …
2001 Monster’s Ball:
Most people are blind and they don’t even see really clear things. And usually they will see it when they are not front of their eyes anymore.
2001 Original Sin:
Sometime our feel is bigger than us and we are so small to face it.
2002 (1965) Doctor Zhivago:
Life has other way around if one door is close and your hope still alive other door will be open …
2002 The Pianist:
Nothing is difficult as seeing people are suffering from each other.
2003 The Human Stain:
Some times only pain can cover the pain
Everything You Need to Know About Monopoly
12 hours ago
1 comment:
you've forgotten about charlie chaplin.
in fact he is a real genius in cinema history.
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