Since I was child I heard a lot of stories about a bridge and how important this bridge is in real life and the life after dead. In some religions, they describe this bride, as a place that you should cross to get inside the paradise and if you fall you go to hell. Few days ago I read a article about it in the short story of a Arabic person then I became more curious about the history behind this bridge so after some searching, I found out the originality of the bridge that it called The Chinvat Bridge or also called Chinvat Peretum in old Zoroastrianism which means The Bridge of Judgment. The guardians of the bridge are Sarosh (a student of Ahura Mazda who became observance of his monastic rule), Mithra (other creation of Ahura Mazda who is the judge of souls) and Rashnu (he is also creation of Ahura Mazda who is very straight).
According to its history, the souls after dead should cross to this bridge and get judge based on their past life. The interesting part is, this bridge has different properties for different people, I mean it could be so narrow or wide, it could be long or short, and it could be bright or dark. All those characteristics are depended on the people’s behavior in their real life, depended how good they were, how kind and helpful they were during the living in their life. So those people could cross the bridge safely will be united with Ahura Mazda (Old Persian God, one uncreated creator) and if they fall from it then they are captured by darkness and they must await to the final renovation of the world then try to cross over it into paradise. I think you can find many other stories about same bridge in various countries especially in Middle East but all of them have same source and almost describe same facts.

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