We are near Christmas and every bar in the town is full of desperate people who are searching for a partner. They are drunk and they will come with you as soon as they find you are accepting them. These days society puts a lot of pressure on young people and most of them are lost in those unwritten rules. As far as I know, people became more and more be careful about their privet life and they don’t want to get hurt so that makes them like the persons who don’t like to do any risk for their future. But how can we live if there is no risk in the life and how boring the life will get in those strict rules. In the normal night time when people go to bar they try to find their ideal person.
For the girls there always is a guy who is coming on white horse and everybody love him but he will be her hero for rest of his life with strong love and unbroken engagement. And for boy, there is a princess with all beauty and money that who falls in the unquestionable love with him and doesn’t matter what he dose she accepts him as the way he is. But real life is not like that and I don’t know why most people don’t want to accept it. Usually when there is no pressure on people, they are searching their dream and end of year when the time comes and nobody is there for them. They try hard to change their policy and at least have someone in their life even for short time. So then they get drunk and go to bar for searching love without judgment. I think either way is funny and unreliable. People should be more realistic and don’t look for good relation in their surrounded people’s dream. First they should know what they want from their life, search for it and then go for it when they find it. Definitely there will be mistake and disappointment but all of them are part of our experience and makes us stronger and wiser. We shouldn’t look at that what our immature friends are telling us or our parent decided. These our life with our need inside it and nobody knows it better than we do, so do what ever feel is good and don’t ask for help from people with judgmental eyes.

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