Since I was child I heard many religion stories about how human being should act to keep their sprites clean from every evil attitudes. My family as well as all people in town and teachers always told me many things about social life and behavior and difference between good and bad. I can remember when I was 15 years old - a kid who was facing his puberty- I had really strong religion background and for me there were several rules for living clean without even know what is the philosophy behind it. I grew up slowly and I started searching every thing and came up with many paradox in religion which there were out of my hand to solve them and after while I totally lost it. Now I’m whole logic with a pure experimentalist mind and difficult to get convinced. But when I look deeply in myself there are several things that I can’t accept them easy. One of them is mixed up the religion definitions with modern social humanity. Because as far as I know, the religion is tradition and custom, and has its own rules. Either you accept them and follow or reject them, but you shouldn’t manipulate it or change it, because after while it will loose his sprite and will not present those things that it established base on them.

This weekend I went to a photographic exhibition about True (Love, Politics and Job) that Jesus of Nazareth was made visible to the people through Ecce Homo, a series of pictures by Elisabeth Ohlson Wallin. Jesus was being pictured among leather gays and lesbians, instituting the sacrament of the Holy Communion surrounded by drag queens and transvestites. I got really surprise I never saw such a thing before. It was a really unexpected combination and far from my mind. Every thing I learned from past was distracted. Probably deep down I still believe that those advertising in the pictures were not acceptable in any circumstances and now you can see these types of photos and you became speechless. What should I do? Should I change everything I learned from past and accept present situation facts or try to ignore and see it as unlike moments? I think if you check out her works my point is going to be clear. I don’t know if human need to go that far, and what will happen if we start destroying every thing left from our forebear?

Last Sunday was 30 Nov that it was celebrated King Charles XII of Sweden by new national democrat ground in Lund front of my apartment. Few minutes later, police came and started controlling and separated them. Apparently Swedish government doesn’t like this type of Ethnopluralism Party. I totally was surprise first about those young people who had some firework-stuff in their hand and sang some nationalist songs and through them to police and second how strongly police pushed them away and made it over soon. As far as I know this kind of groups indirectly presents racist and they believe that; Defend Sweden by creating an ethnically-pure white people; the culture should be traditionally Swedish; Sweden to leave the European Union. Most funny part was I saw few colorful immigrant people between them (they spoke non-Swedish language), either they didn’t know what really was going on or they were crazy to be repelled by themselves front of society eyes and medias.
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