Our little brown aunt was born in corner of desert early spring. He was happy kid who played with others in queen’s room whole day long until the time came that they should go to educate for their future responsibilities. Since he started school out side of queen house. He found out his huge different with others because all other aunts were yellow and in same shape except him. -In the killer aunts family, they eat whole other alive creatures and as soon as they find out somebody is stranger, attack him and make a meal of it-. Other aunts also slowly found out about his difference and start attacking him sometime but most the times the mature aunts intervened between them like a mediator and told other aunts about their miss understanding. This kind of reaction started scaring the little aunt and after while he found out that it is better to not be always on the other aunts way. The little aunt grew fast like others and our entire little aunts were getting in touch with their puberty time. All of them started feeling different, some kind of new instincts such as feel for fighting, searching for food, attacking other creatures, being behind back of each others, working together, etc. but they didn’t have enough experience to always control their instinct, and sometimes ended up fighting each other in different groups. Only one thing was clear, nobody ever was in our brown aunt side, most the times he was attacked with others. After while challenging, his different from others was more clear. He slowly felt to be scared, to be alone, to be unprotected and to be in the corner of aunt society. But life was still going and he knew that he should come up with a solution to protect himself from others. He wasn’t physically strong enough at that time to fight them back so he started learning how he can use his mind to manage every things go through. Step by step he analyzed other aunt’s behavior, their hobbies, their abilities and their weakness. For long time he couldn’t sleep whole night and he always prepared for unknown accident. One time, a group of aunts with red eyes surrounded him, he knew when the eyes of other aunts turn to red that means they saw an enemy, he tried hard with all of his power to protect himself and convince them that he is one of them, even he did, but he got bad injury anyway. Sometimes he lost his believe to fare creation because there was no place for him, not out side of his community and not inside. Those hard times made him a patient, clever, manager, social, nimble and kind aunt. He continued to study every move and reaction of others, and tried to find a solution for his protection against their bad mud. He was smart enough to learn things fast and kept his hope alive to bright future. He never stopped accepting his situation as a lost aunt in his community. Days traveled fast and he grew up physically and mentally stronger than others. He almost got twice strong body compared to others and smartest, which made him even more visible. These differences caused him more troubles because he couldn’t be invisible anymore so he got involve in fights most the times. And he learned to not scare anymore and fight back. He became unbreakable for handling really hard and bad situation. He was regular fighter and those daily combats made him strangest and most experienced aunt. After a year challenging in his community, one day he saw the queen in front of his place. The queen came to check on him and evaluated him. She told him that he can be a real king if he can pass his last temptation. She also told him that he was born a little king and his different was on purpose. She told him most little kings can’t make it and only real king will pass those stages. She also said: That last test will be a competition between him and all other aunts. She will be flying faraway and if he will pass all other aunts on his way to get her then he will be a true king. Tomorrow came and he did his job correctly because that competition was nothing compared to all those times he went through in his life. After that he had great feel about his succeed and his present conditions, but he never lost his patient and kindness for others. After all he was king, even most foolish aunts didn’t know it for long time, but he should protect his group anyway.
Written by Mohammad Hosseini
Everything You Need to Know About Monopoly
13 hours ago
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