Friday, August 29, 2008

being alive is not the living

چند وقتی بود که می خواستم به زبان خودمون مطلب بنویسم اما از بس روی این کیبورد سوئدی با ماژیک سیدی فارسی تایپ کردم بعد پاک شد که منصرف شدم بدترین قسمت اون این بود که وقتی شروع به تایپ می کردم اثر ات ماژیک تا شب روی دستم باقی می ماند و اصلا نمی رفت گویا ماژیک روی دست بیشتر می ماند تا روی صفحه کیبورد ...

این روزها زمان سریع می گذرد و من ته دلم مدام دلهره است دلهره ای که نه می شود گفت زیبا نه می شود گفت بد . یاد قدیم وآرزوهای کوچکیمان می افتم آدم هرچی بیشتر بزرگ می شود جدیترو منطقی تر هم می شود تا به جای می رسد که حتی قدرت آرزو کردن هم ندارد برای همین الان تا می خواهم به آرزوی جدیدی فکر کنم تمام مشکلات و مسائل روزمره سراقم می آید و می بینم که کلی کارهای نیمه تمام و وظایف انجام نشده دروبرم ریخته که باید به آنها برسم به نظر من تنها آرزوی که الان می شود کرد با این همه مشغله این است که فرصتی برای آرزو کردن پیش بیاید یعنی آرزو کنم که دوباره بتوانم مثل بچگی آرزو کنم ...

آدمها بزرگ می شوند اما نه واقعا و نه با همان رشدی که از دوران کودکی آغاز کرده بودند آنها کم کم یاد می گیرند که جسور نباشند شجاع نباشند و سعی کنند هرچی می توانند زندگی را ثابت و منظم کنند به غول معروم سرعت زندگی را بگیرند و در کنار آن یک گوشه تا آخر عمر با خوبی خوشی زندگی کنند درست مثل تمام آخر داستانهای مادر بزرگها .. اما خیلی خنده دار است که تمام آن داستانها با خوبی و خوشی تمام می شد اما هیچ وقت به ما یاد ندادند که به خوبی و خوشی تا آخر عمر زندگی کردن یعنی چه .. مثلا قصه سیندرلا بعد از اینکه انها بلاخره به هم رسیدند تازه اول مشکلات مشترکشان است مخصوصا که همدیگر را هم به خوبی نمی شناختند وتازه دفعه دوم بود که همدیگر را دیده بودند خلاصه مگه چند روز می توانم توی همان فضای دوست داشتن و عاشق بودن زندگی کرد بلاخره اختلافها بیرون می آید بلاخره بچه ها به دنیا می ایند و زمان هزار جور پستی بلندی در مسیر راه آنها قرار می دهد و تا به خودشان می آیند می بینند درگیر یکسری مسائل روزمره زندگی شده اند که یا روزمرگی آنها را آزار می دهد یا مشکلات همراه با ان .. همیشه دلم می خواست بدانم که سیندرلا ده یا بیست سال بعد از زندگی مشترک چه روزه گاری خواهد داشت .. شما چه فکر می کنید ...

گویا خیلی وقته فارسی تایپ نردم خواشحالی فارسی تایپ ردن اینقدر زیاده که هرچی به ذهنم می آید می نویسم بدون اینکه بهش فکر کنم و یا جهتی به نوشته ها بدهم ...

برگردیم سر روزمرگی خودمان ببینیم که امورز چه چیزی از درون بیرون می اید و روی کاغذ ثبت می شود ...

کودکی را دوست دارم وبزرگ شدن را بیشتر دوست دارم اما بزرگ بودن را دوست ندارم اشکال کار اینجاست ...

تمام هیجانات زندگی برای این است که روزی بتوانی با آسایش در گوشه ای زندگی کنی پس بیایید با آسایش همین الان در گوشه ای از زندگی زندگی کنیم و هیجانات را بسپاریم بدست آینده ...

چیزی از زندگی نمی خواهم مگر سادگی و ولی گویا همین سادگی گرانترین چیزی است که می توانی به آن برسی ...

همیشه زود گم می شوم ولی مدتها طول می کشد تا خود را پیدا کنم ...

قدم اول مهمترین قدم زندگی است شاید برای همین است که مدتهای زیادی در همین قدم اول زندگی باقی مانده ام ...

این روزها از پشتکار , خلافقیت , تکاپو و هدفمند بودن تنها تعریفی در ذهن من باقی مانده است . . .

به اندازه توانائی هایم تلاش نمی کنم و این مرا آزار می دهد ...

سه اصل مهم زنده بودن , زندگی کردن و اگاهی از دو اصل اول ..

زندگی سخت است زندگی آسان است زندگی هیچ چیز نیست زندگی زیباست زندگی پیچیده است زندگی ساده و آرام است زندگی جریان دارد زندگی چون دیوار بلندی است زندگی رابطه من و تو است زندگی تنهای جاودانه است زندگی مرز خواب و بیداری است زندگی نفس کشیدن لحظه به لحظه ماست زندگی آواز زیبای پرنده است زندگی شکار کردن برای زنده ماندن است زندگی صلح است زندگی مبارزه هروزه است زندگی نتیجه آفرینش است زندگی بهره بردن از خلقت است زندگی سکون است زندگی دست و پا زدن ودر مشلاکت روزمره است زندگی امید است زندگی پذیرفتن و دنباله رفتن است زندگی با مرگ پیایان می یابد زندگی با مرگ معنی پیدا می کند زندگی تولد است زندگی تولد می یابد زندگی مال همه موجودات زنده است زندگی همیشه شامل معدودی از انسانها می شود ... من زندگی میکنم .. من زندگی نمی کنم ... من اصلا نمی دانم زندگی کردن یعنی چه ... من زندگی کردن را خوب فهمیده ام ... من زندگی را هیگاه ندیده ام .. من با زندگی زندگی کرده ام ... و ....

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Why she is look like a boy?

Every country has some unwritten social rules that you should indirectly deal with them. One of most important thing in modern life is starting relationship. Based on the history, culture, social economy, life style and many other things of each country, the relation between two couple has different faces. In the modern society with good economy, women have more influence than old fashion one and that makes the rules of partnership more complicated and confuse. I think each gender should keep its own characters, men should be more masculine and women should be more feminine. So as much as seeing a straight boy in ladies cloth with make up is embarrassing and unexpected, seeing girls with men personality and character are not enjoyable either. These days if you walk through the street and see most women are so busy with their career and mostly they forget even they are women especially they work hard as much as male people and they live like them and even they talk and dress like them. I think this is not attractive at all. Every thing is missed up, so this days you go in the public places and see group of people but most of group are some girls together or some boys together and there are many rules for getting close to each other. Most girls who are independent in their social life they want something especial even in their partnership they want very masculine men with strong personality, good looking, successful job and unique so they start to reject every men who has not one of those things and after while you can see many single men in each community that never happen to be in real relationship to a least learn something about it. In other hand easy life style in modern country, which everything is prepared for men, don’t let them to have enough experience for solving social problem, fighting, hunting, being hero or protecting family. The number of these inexperienced men increase every year and after while you can see many young and middle age men, with no partnership in their life and no confidence, are hanging out with each other every weekend night. In other hand a lot of single women with some unrealistic dream hanging out other side of life. Both of them waste most perfect time of their life for searching something that doesn’t exist. I think some part of life is natural we can’t do anything about it such as eating, sleeping, communicating, etc. So every thing should goes as the way it is, we can’t make new rules for some part of nature. I think some of these behaviors are against the nature of human being and by destroying them we make life more complicated and more difficult to live in it. So its better women act, dress, talk, walk more feminine as well as men do it opposite for going everything in natural way.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Is it true that we should always be nice to others?

I was discussing a subject (what dose "being nice to people" mean?) with a Swedish friend who is a psychotropic in Lund city. He mentioned that he was seeing a patient who had a problem for being nice to people. After many many negotiations they came up with this conclusion that he should be more aggressive some time and after a year this person became completely successful in his privet and his social life specially with dating girl and doing his job. I think for all males the job and relationship are two most important things in their life and sometime they should be more active and tight about their action against others to keep things go through perfectly. I remember that one night I was in a dance club a new place that I never was before and I just wanted to be in a crowd area with loud music to forget about my problem for a moment. I’m usually nice with people not too nice but nice enough but that day I wasn’t myself and I was all about forgetting the life pressure. I was standing in the corner of bar and watching people who were dancing and shaking. In the middle of night, club became so crowded and there was no place to stand up easily without pushing people. A group of four girls and two boys were making a lot of noise and move near me. It happened one of the girl lost her control and almost fall down on me and I was pointing her out and said: “Take it easy, what is wrong with you, why you are pushing it so hard crazy b...” and some other things which I don’t want to mention them now. One of other girls started talking behalf of her and after while, many words were interchanged and their group moved to other side of bar and when there were leaving I just found out that girl is kind of cute and on shape. Anyway I was on my bad mud and I did same to some other people too. After while when time passed to the midnight, near 3pm, I went to bar to order one more drink to call it night. I was waiting next some guys for ordering that I saw the same jumpy girl next to me and she was acting like a kitty and who is looking up to me. I told her what do you want and she said nothing. My term came to order and I asked for my usual drink and before I prepare to pay it the girl came closer and said: “do you mind that I take it for you?” …. !! .... It never happened to me before and I didn’t know what should I say and just asked her why? She said: for saying sorry about the thing just did while ago and then we started talking and one goes to another we were seeing each other for 2 months until every things were fall apart like most normal relations. But it came a time that I asked her a month after we were dating that what was happened in that night we met for a first time and why did you actually come to me? She said: because nobody talked to me that way for long time and most the time people are too nice to me and it’s boring. I just want it to experience something new and apparently you are the same person look like whole other nice people that I dated before only you were different for one night and that was our first night. Probably that was a same key for breaking up after two months dating. So is this system working with every girls or just group of them? Should we be more active, a little more offensive and masculine? If it is true then we will go back to my old vision of social fact that “being nice means living for others and ignoring your needs”. This fact makes security life for others and puts pressure and extra energy on you and when you share your life with somebody else they need you to be like a person who can make their life secure not design it completely for other people life and they need to be sure that you have the basic potential for fighting things trough in their life and live for them more others and be hero in some moments of life.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The life has many faces

I think life never get completed and there will be always something to bother you. Losing hope is not good in those bothering moment because by accepting the fact that hope is not alive any more you will invite worst things in your life and believe me life has much more worst faces than we ever have seen before. There is always an answer for each problem in our life and the border between a happy life and hell is only thin layer of accident. If we feel we’re not satisfy it’s better to find the answer of problem. Most things in real life become part of our life when we’re trying enough and going right direction and not expecting that much. Seems a tricky deal! I don’t know I always had more than I wanted and I never had those things I asked for it whole my life. I try really hard and I got close to them and when stopped trying then I lost them again. So should I stop trying then probably I will get them any way or should I increase trying to have them by spending a lot of time and energy to keep them. Life is simple as we see it, and complicated as we want it. There is nothing free for anybody and if you have them that because somebody putted a lot of hard work to prepare it for you or you did on your own and if you don’t have them that means you have long way to go in a road with unclear destination. And there will be always some questions with you that makes you keep going or stop walking such as, is worth it whole those trouble to get such a success, is there any guarantee to keep them when we have them, Do I actually will have them, Do I will be happy with them, and how far I can go with it?
Did you know this fact that life is reaction not action? I think that’s true life is reaction and it waits and looks at our actions and then reacts based on whole other parts. Many things are involve in this reaction like; when, where, with whom, how and why we are doing such those things we usually do? These questions lead us to the fact that a long as we have good knowledge of our life and our surrounded life we will choose our actions and by that we will choose the life reaction. In other hand having whole knowledge of life is impossible sometimes when we think that we are doing it really good actually we are petty far from our wanted conclusions or should I say real facts. At the end I want to say shortly, be proud but not too much, let’s try hard and not expect high, learn more about things that you’re using them most, go as far as you can for knowing inside as well as outside, find relation between different parts of life, make free your emotion in logical boxes, do your best action and trust the reaction of life and lay down sometimes on the pressure of life and just look at nature to see how it works.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Academic Job

There is a list of some familiar website to search about academic job for those people who are hunting international research position, good luck with that ….

What the judgmental look is about?

Last week when I was home and I was talking to my brother which I saw him after four years our conversation ended up with this sentences that he told me “when you are walking on street and somebody is staring at you that means there is something inside you that he/she feels lack of it in himself/herself and when he/she is reacting hard about it such as he/she starts wounding your feeling or mocking your act that means they still didn’t accept their weakness and believe your power” I think it is so weak if we try to get point by making other people look bad. Even every body thinks they already know this fact but it happens in their life they do something stupid to present themselves with price of making others upset or look bad. Being grown up and act like one is difficult thing to do and even most people think they are when time comes they never act like it. Many years ago I was reading an article about human social behavior and I saw this sentence, “everybody stop growing mentally and socially in one age of their life that means some people were always act like 13 years old person and some grow elder like 20 years old or more and few people actually grow up exact same age as they are”. So even we can see in our society most people act like a child, talk, live and even make decision that way. In conclusion if you see somebody is doing something wrong or even talking nonsense you should put it in his/her childhood behavior and try to understand his/her source of action as an adult because two child can be friend as easiest as become enemy and it is our responsibility to lead them for friendship and show them true way but we shouldn’t forget to act like adult not a child … most people are not that bad but a lot of them they don’t grow up enough to know those things that they are doing are wrong …